Export customs clearance

Export customs clearance is a customs procedure intended for the shipment of goods from the European Community to third countries.

Due to the cost-effectiveness of the procedure, it is not limited by location and can be performed for any EU exporter.

If the goods have a preferential origin, an EUR.1 form is validated on importation, allowing recipients in third countries to clear the goods at reduced rates.

Because our offices are located in strategic locations on major transport routes and because we have permits for simplifications, we offer our customers the possibility of customs clearance 24/7 every day of the year.


Exporter's conditions:

  • Valid EORI number of the exporter,
  • Authorisation for representation and
  • In case of issue of EUR.1, authorisation to issue and proof of preferential origin.

By providing quality services with a high level of professionalism based on trust,
we are moving towards mutual satisfaction and long-term cooperation.

Trust us!


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